Really it is true "life is an adventure... "and here is where I hope to take you through the adventures of my life. You will find that I have many pots in the fire. Depending on how you look at the situation you may consider things handled or not. But the reality is that I am trying to love every bit of this life.
So let me take you through a little bit of what makes me, me!
First and for most I am a wife and a mother... This is one of my biggest adventures and the one I am most proud of. Here is where my heart lies. Do you see those beautiful boys I live with? Yes, I am the only girl in my household and most days I'm okay with this.

Second I am a returning college student... It's never to late to try and reach for that goal. It's just a little more challenging.

Third I love to be creative, gardening, sewing, quilting. Here is an area that I do not have under control. I want to takle it all.

I always have something to fidle with around here.

Here in lies all the things I hope to handle in life. Some days go really well and others well not so much. Regardless, I am trying to make the most of it, and keep
a handle on it.