Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Bug & FWQAL week 7

I was going about summer in my usual fashion, each day there was plenty to do.
The garden has and still is abundant in cucumbers. More than we can eat each week. So I made some bread and butter pickles.

Each of the boys have had doctor's appointment's, so we have spent plenty of time in waiting rooms. They are two healthy boys, or they should be after these appointments.

I managed to make 2 blocks for the Farmer's Wife Quilt Along. This seems to be the only quilting I manage to get done these days, and even this seems a challenge.
Block 84- Spool
How is it when there is more time to be had, I still can't seem as productive as when I have less time?
Block 91- Strawberry Basket

Anyway when I was busy doing all of these things, I got a bug bite. It got red circle and  I ignored it. Then it caught up with me in a big way. I started to run a temperature of 101.5. Once I got to this point I was getting nothing accomplished. It took everything I had to make through the doctor's appointment. There is a possibility it could be Lyme's disease, or just a really bad sinus infection, or both. As of right now I'm on a great antibiotic that should knock it Out!

I sure hope this summer time bug never bites you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Sorry to hear about your bite and the troubles it is causing. I hope the medicine works quickly.

    Love the blocks you made :)


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