Thursday, December 30, 2010

deep end

Over the holiday I've been trying to take a break, ha! I so wanted to be spending time with the boys, ha! Unless I'm willing to go hang outside in the cold, play wii, or just drive them where they want to go, they really aren't all that interested in hanging out with mom. It's quite sad, for me.This transition of them growing up is hitting me hard.
Although if they are growing up and don't need my time as they once did, then I have time to sew. That is exactly what I have been doing. I'm at it again. I'm using the phone book to piece blocks together. It's working quite wonderfully. I'm following Bonnie Hunter from Quiltville on her mystery RollRollCottonBall. She said to "dig deep", I really hope she meant that.

Personally I think my emotions went off the deep end. Be prepared if your one of my friends from this phone book to listen to me whine about the boys, and how hard it is to find something we all share. You may not see it from this picture but my tissue box has been close by.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Sometimes part of the season is just slowing down and enjoying all of the sights and sounds. This is probably one of hardest things for me. But I'm trying. It may help that my family took a walk at our local state park. Each year the state park puts on a beautiful light show, done by volunteer's. Drawing many out into the cold, even this group.

But not to worry there is a small spot kept warm by 4-H'rs. There is cookies and cocoa, and always good company.

This is the first year that our oldest had a someone to walk the trail with. He is no longer my baby, in about two weeks he turns 16. How did that happen? My husband told me I could not stalk behind. So I just stayed close to him instead, as our other son wanted me to buy one of every cookie! Thank goodness my glasses fogged up and I put them on top of my head. So it was like having blinders on/off in regards to cookies.

Check out the cool knitted hat. It's an adapted design from my dear friend Marie Grace Designs. I could go on but that's another post.

Standing in front of all the lights, one still feels the wonder of the season. Until we talk again, May your holiday season be peaceful, safe, and spent in the company of those you love. Blessings all around, friends!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wine and Cheese

I finally feel as if I can rejoice and be part of the holiday season. My finals are over for this semester and I did well. So for a few weeks I can indulge on all the things I love.

I'll pass on the wine and keep the cheese. Love Babybell cheese! Fantastic snack to keep energized for the last minute sewing. I hope to spend some quality time there, the boys have 1 and 1/2 days of school. So I have approx the same amount to sew, sew, sew. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 20, 2010


Linda at Stray stitch's posted this little get to know one another. She has been a wonderful blogging friend who has been sweet and helpful with getting me up and going.When she asked, I jumped.

Who Are You & Who Am I
Copy and paste, and then answer the questions, and tell me you did so I can learn about you, too!

1. Sweet or Salty? Sweet! No doubt it. I like sugar.

2. Dresses or Jeans? Jeans is what I wear most of the time. But during the summer I love my dresses. And there is no better pick me up to wear a dress.

3. House or Apartment? House- I like to have my space. Not to mention I wouldn't live without the opportunity to play in the dirt.

4. Shop Online or Offline? Both- for each there is a good reason.

5. DVDs or Downloads? Once again both- probably because we have children. It's wonderful when they go upstairs to watch the movie for the hundredth time, and I don't have to. Funny thing is even from another room I find myself singing along.

6. Cocktails or Juice? More often juice- I would love an occasional drink. I suffer from migraine's and too often I would pay for having a drink.

7. Chocolate or Strawberry? add ice-cream and we'll call it all good.

8. Laptop or PC? laptop-probably because the laptop is mine for school purposes, and has all my favorite stuff marked. Or the fact that the teenager who lives in my house takes control of the PC.

9. Magazines or Newspapers? Newspaper

10. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook-although I try to avoid it to a certain extent. There is such a thing as knowing too much information about a friend. And at times it feels as if I'm peeping or someone else is.

11. CDs or MP3s? I-pod's -everyone in my house has one. We use them here and there and everywhere. The special one even uses his ipod touch to communicate when he's not understood.http://http//
We are embarrassing technology.

12. Kids or Pets? Both- the kids are easier to clean up after though.

13. Cookies or Cupcakes? Cookies- love them!

14. Walk or Run? Walk!

15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? How about breakfast in- Most days of the week my hubby leaves the house for work, before the rest of us are out of bed. So on weekends, he makes big breakfasts. I think that I'll keep him.

16. Market or Supermarket? You'll hear me whine about both. Probably because it seems like I'm forever there. Have I told you I have teenage boys?

17. Sourdough or Grainy? Sourdough- with Nutella. That's my kind of breakfast, snack, whatever.

18. Heels or Flats? Flats. No real reason to torture your feet.

19. Late nights or Not? Occasionally-I prefer early mornings in stead.Mornings is when I'm the most productive.

20. Coffee or Tea? Coffee- in the morning, Tea- anytime.

Well, do you think you might know me a little better now? How about you? Will you share your choices with us? If you do would you let me know? I'd love to have you be my blog neighbor. (I grew up on Mr. Rodger's Neighboorhood. I'll be signing that song all day.)


I was at Lowes last weekend and meet a woman I didn't know. We had a conversation about amaryllis's. How she had one the year that her father passed away. How she hasn't had one since. I listened, and we both walked away with one. Probably never to meet or know one another again. But I'm glad I was there.

Before we say our goodbye today I want to share my own little peeve, and that is that we (society) doesn't socialize anymore. We don't say hello, or talk to a stranger in the store. When at college I see people right next to each other using technology to talk, to one another. Umm hello, your right next to the person. It's amazing what you can learn about one another, if you just open up with a Hello. Try it sometime, you might make a new friend!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I'm having trouble focusing. What to do? Where to start? What is my timeline? Who needs what when?

My body says "maybe I should just stay here and recoup a bit." Pajama's would be great attire today. I sent the boys off on the school bus, the house is quiet. One day I'll follow up on this idea, but not today.

Today is the first day that I have had in a while that I don't have to travel from home unless I want to. The biggest trip for me is hopefully to the grocery store at some point. But you will not find this as my attire. I may be young but I hold some dignity to at least go to the store dressed.

My house says that someone should handle some of this...boring!

I want to do something for me. Something that doesn't have to be done under deadline, or necessity. I want to hide away in my own world. I have soooo many inspirational idea's that I want to get to. Maybe they will come to life today.

So I am spending some time here... I am much nicer than this guy... so long as you bring me cookies and allow me to keep sewing!

My mind is here and there. Today would not be the day to sit and have tea and company with me. I'm twitching, and moving and doing. But I'm not entirely sure where I end up or if I'll have anything accomplished for it. But I'm trying!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas season

It really is December 7th, already! The holiday season is here. I even have my tree up. Maybe I'm not as behind as I feel.
And it is finally decorated. It sat for a week with only lights. Each ornament on the tree is very important. Some our from our grandmother and the glitter is coming off. But I love them. There are some from our first Christmas tree. All of the little things the boys have made at school over the years. I'm thinking about making a special Christmas scrapbook that I could save all of the little things they have made to keep them a bit longer. They are getting a little worn in the box. But that's a whole other post. I'll keep you updated.

These ornaments came from my brother. Creativity must run in the family.

I haven't had much time for creativity lately. Finals are next week, so I'm cramming! Then I have a break until mid January. There is one thing I am hoping to have finished before the holiday, I just need to sew in my ends. These are my donation to a family in need, they are little doll dresses. Hopefully a little girl will need a new dress for her doll before having a tea party.

Sometimes you don't have to go big, sometimes you just need to be there for one another.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In pieces

I think the title says it all! there is plenty of undone things here. Sometimes even the smallest thing is the hardest to accomplish. It is the end of the month, which means it's time for the LaPetite.Mine is in pieces.

But I believe... there is no use crying over an unfinished project. I know that I can get back to it later. Like so many other things this too will wait for me. When I look back at this month. I have had some wonderful times with family and friends. The memories are priceless. Life is good, be sure to do what you want.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Apple Cider 101

I didn't get to share this a few weeks ago. So how about now. We had the opportunity to share the fall day with friends, who should really be more like family. It was a day to remember.

Step 1: Collect apples and maybe a few pears.

This can be done various ways. But it's always good to have a kid climb the tree. Then shake the tree with friends below. Laughter will ensue.

Step 2: Wash the apples

During this step you want to give eviction notice to the worm. Or possibly send his home back out to the field.

Step 3: Throw apples into the masher.

Step 4: Smash apples until all the juice runs out. Then drink in limited amounts with friends.

I have read that you could make your own apple press. For more info check out http://http//

Thursday, November 11, 2010

This & That

1 purple + 1 pink + a flower here and there = scrap along. I had no intentions of starting another project until I seen all that Jodi had to share. (find more on the link on the sidebar, or on flicker)I was hooked. I started with the the 4 square patches that I had here. These were pieces that I stalled out on a while ago. They get put to perfect use here. From the 4 square on I just went about adding scraps of color. Although I can't take credit for the flower blocks, these were leftover pieces a fellow quilter gave me years ago. They finally got put to perfect use here. As of today I am 2 blocks shy, and I would love to finish this weekend. But it might have to wait until the following weekend. For even though weekends are supposed to be a break from the week. They tend to be full.
What are your plans for the weekend?


I have been a military wife. It’s a very difficult job. But very rewarding. I have been able to live in Germany. But I have also seen my husband go to war.

In February of 2003 the world was changing. I sensed what was coming some how I knew that my husband would be called to serve and so would I.

The day that my husband left there was many tears. The children cried shortly but then he was gone. They said goodbye as if he was going to work not quite realizing it would be more than a year before they would see him again. My husband’s employer came and got his work truck the very same day. I think he took my heart with it. This was real. Brian was not coming home tonight.

As time went on, I taught our children about faith. Sometimes you have to trust that something will happen. One day daddy will return home. We go about our daily lives as best as we can. You learn to block out a good many things. You don’t watch as much TV or listen to the radio. You just trust.

We continue on, and are outside playing. It’s spring. I start to think about going inside. It’s almost dinner time. In the distance I hear a diesel truck coming up the road. I know it can’t be. But I have to turn and look. The boys start running across the yard, yelling “Daddy.” When they see its not him, they start to cry. I sit in the grass holding my boys telling them to believe one day daddy will come home.

We tried to share as much as we could through letters and pictures. We took things day to day.
Daddy returned home in April 2004.

The military has always been a part of our married lives, and I am certain it's part of our future. Our oldest wants to follow in dad's footsteps.

So I want to say "Thank-You!" to all of veteran's today and the families who support them. We appreciate all that you do.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Spring ahead, Fall behind

Spring ahead, Fall behind the little ryhme I was taught in order to make sense of daylight savings time. But tonight it's ending for the year, so we set our clocks back an hour. But I really don't need the clock to remind me to fall behind.

(photo is from google images. Thankyou!)

I allready feel this way. I have seen what I have on my "To Do List". There is the laundry,dishes, running for bowling practice, dinner to be made, I have papers to write, items I want to make for the upcoming holiday, and the list could just go on. I sure you have something like this. I feel like the clock up above. For everyone thing that I seem to cross off, there is one more added. I really want to spend some time being creative. It helps me to feel like me, and not the housekeeper, cook, bus driver, etc. I feel energized if I have some creative time to myself. Then I'm ready for anything.

So I have devised a plan. If I do some of my schoolwork,some housework,and spend some time with the family. I may have 5 min to an hour to do something creative. So I'll set my little chicken timmer and give myself a time-out! I am off to my corner.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blogger's Quit Festival

I decided to join in the wonderful Bogger's Quilt Festival. What a great way to share. I thought I would share with you a quilt that I made about 2 years ago. It is my absoulute favorite! Not my husbands. But it still resides on the bed. hehee!

Anyway this is my version of the spiderweb quilt. I made it when I was just starting quilting. It was great to just put things together. I tried to use as little thinking as possible. I just had fun, and used a lot of color. I think that is why I am so drawn to it. It reminds me of my grandmother's quilts, scrappy.

I tried my best to add as many different pieces as I had available. Even the white areas are made of different white prints, and some tan. When I started I really didn't have a plan of size. I just kept going to the point you now see. There is also some special pieces left over from my boy's quilts and just fabrics that seem to evoke a memory for me. I have to tell you that I bought nothing new for this quilt top. It still amazes me to make something from nothing or little. I hand quilted this around each of the stars and thru the spiderwebs. I used different colored quilting threads. I just seemed to fit the scrappy feeling. I didn't want to go for a matching look. I wanted more of favored piece. Which it very much is.

Thanks go to Amy for showcasing so many beautiful quilts and the storyies behind them.

Amy's Creative Side - Blogger's Quilt Festival

If you would like to see or know more please visit Amy's blog. And thank you to you for coming to visit me and hear what I have to say!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Close, but not done...

At this point I hoped to show you a complete and finished project. One with quilting and binding and ... That didn't happen. Just because it's smaller than most of my projects doesn't mean much. Lately the time just hasn't been here. I could share all the excuses why. But really life just happened. Regardless I should be happy. I branched out and tried new things. And hopefully soon I'll have something finished to share.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


There really is some creativity going on here. I work on it when I can, it works as a great stress reliever from classwork. I am officially at the Mid point of the semester, and the amount of work I have pouring in shows.

So I find myself questioning my motive for blogging. Do I get on here enough? Do I share enough? Is my writing interesting? Really I wanted to share some of the things I enjoy in life, hoping that you may enjoy them too. But I find myself saddened that I don't have a huge following. I am convinced that it is still early in my blogging experience. Although here is what I decided... I don't want to force you in to being a follower, and I am not going to bribe you with giveaways. If you want to see what I have to share then keep reading. As for me I'll share what I can, when I can.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall chores

We had a beautiful fall day, and decided that while the weather was nice we would work on some outdoor chores. Mainly the digging out of canna's. Normally we wait until after the first hard frost. But it was just too tempting to do it while the weather was decent, it definitely didn't feel like an October day.And the remarkable thing is that the boys came out to help. Two teenagers doing manual labor, and helping mom. I got a great set of boys! We dug out the canna's from the front yard, from behind the outbuildings. We have ton's, well over 6 laundry baskets. I have a traditional stone and dirt basement where they will reside until spring. Then I give them away by the tons.

After all the canna's were put away for another year. I enjoyed some time outside, practicing my picture taking. All summer long I waited for the dahlia's to grow. At this point this is the only one I got, and soon it will have to come out,too. But at least I have a picture.

Did you get allot accomplished this weekend? Did you find time for some of the things you enjoy?

Friday, October 15, 2010


I must have went wrong somewhere. Because the pattern says that the blocks should finish at 7 and 1/2".
Mine are finishing at 9". Now I am reconsidering where I originally wanted to put this upon completion. Seriously now I am debating how I want to finish this. So I have it pinned up to my felt door until I decide. Maybe you could help? What do you think about??

Short and tall/or flipped on it's side short and wide
Or I could go with the square option?
I was hoping to have this together by the end of the weekend. That way I could start on the quilting. That opens up a whole other ball of wax, handquilting vs. machine??? Regardless I'm still in love with the fabric, :) Bliss, absolute bliss I tell you!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On an impulse...

I was on the computer last week, and made an impulse buy. It's a first for me, to buy a charm pack or any fabric online for that matter. But what can I say... it's truly bliss!

I could be in love, from this point on. So you are curious if I've cut into any of this. Of course I have. I can't have it sitting in a box forever. It is just too beautiful.

And what better way to make sure I stay on track than to join a group of others working on a project. Or maybe it just gives me a deadline, I work better when there is a deadline. So I have joined, Stina at Pink pincushion for the Le Petite, a year of small projects.

This could be just the kick I need about now. After all small=accomplish able!

To find out more,visit Stina at:

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I don't know about you, but I love to get something in the mail, except bills. Especially when it a letter from a friend, or a new book from amazon, or the JoAnn flyer with coupons. Love it!

So sometime last week I was doing my usual blog reading, aka. distraction from school work.http:// When I ran across linda's post about passing it forward. I couldn't help but join in. Really it's quite simple.

1. You respond to this post saying you would like to pass it forward. (about 3 please) And I will make something for you, sometime in the next year.
(table runner, knit scarf, something handmade.)

2. Then you post about this on your blog, asking others to join you and then you make something for those 3 people.
I have been thinking about this, those of you with out blogs. Well I'm changing this part a bit. If you want to participate and you don't have a blog. All I ask is that you make something for someone else, whom you don't know. Donate it to a shelter, a nursing home, someone who needs a pick me up. And if you share a picture and story with me I'll post it here.

There is no big points here for making something out of great fabric to brag about your worth. This is simply on opportunity to make someone's day. :)
So l look forward to hearing from you.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cheat sheet

In a rare occasion the professor is allowing us to bring a cheat sheet to class for a test. At first I though this was great. After all I have a ton on my mind and it would be great to relax a bit and download my concerns on to the paper. I could walk into the class feeling confident, after all I would have a cheat sheet that I wouldn't have to hide.
So I have gotten out my paper and pencil. There is just one problem. Every time I review, I feel confident, everything seems to make sense. I know this stuff... I think. My paper is sitting empty. Which makes me worry, then in turn I study again, and again. Somehow I think this was a cruel study trick. Darn Sociology!

This blank paper is making me crazy. I better put something on it. The test is tomorrow!!! HORROR, and it's not even October yet.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Buddy Walk 2010

This past weekend celebrated loving someone with Down Syndrome... We were far from alone as 390 people came out to walk, and quite a few of those friends.

We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. There was face painting, A Firetruck,

And you can't forget the dancing. (Blogger didn't like my video, so you are stuck with a picture instead)Chances are you may live, work, or love one individual with Down Syndrome.

We do, and we wouldn't have it any other way!!!

For all of you who came to visit the blog after our highlight on quilt story. The quilt went to a wonderful family who had to outbid their own mother. So that way they could give it to her as a Christmas gift. So I'm sure it will be cherished.